Monday, July 1, 2013

I'm ready to feel now

The past few months have been the most difficult and trying months of my life, yet they have also been the most incredible, rewarding, sacred, and cherished months at the same time. So many of you have been asking about Londyn and how she is doing. I realized after talking to quite a few people that most people have no idea what happened to Londyn. They just know that we have been going through a very difficult time. I have had so many people ask if we have a blog for Londyn. I didn’t, but I am starting now. This will be such an incredible way for me to keep a journal of all of the triumphs and tragedies, the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly. I am vowing to myself and to all of you that I am going to write down EVERYTHING. Even the stuff that hurts. I am hoping that this will be a way for me to remember the tender mercies and miracles; and also give me a place to spill my heart when needed (and those days are needed. Trust me.) I hope this will be a beautiful place where you can all follow the very special, the very sacred moments, of my precious Londyn’s journey.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Brooke,
    Thanks for sharing your story at young women and excellence last night. Your dad is my niece's bishop and we just happened to be in town (we live in NC) and were able to attend last night. I posted a link to your blog on my own blog:
    Your story is powerful and needs to be heard!
